Morel’s Invention (1974)
aka L’invenzione di Morel
Genre: Drama | Sci-Fi | Surreal
Country: Italy | Director: Emidio Greco
Language: Italian | Subtitles: English & French
(Optional, embedded in Mkv file)
Aspect ratio: Widescreen 1.85:1 | Length: 107mn
Dvdrip H264 Mkv – 1024×546 – 25fps – 1.94gb
In Morel’s Invention, a castaway finds out that what he first thought was a desert island is full of people. Strangely, these people act and talk each day exactly how they acted and talked the day before. When the hero tries to talk to them, nobody pays attention. Nonetheless, he falls in love with a woman though she doesn’t pay attention to him neither…
REALLY hoped this might live up to the accolades from some reviewers, but alas it DID NOT. Cerebral and different to be sure, in ways that don’t require much along the lines of budget or production resources. But then rather too opaque, removed, and repetitious, and not sufficiently engaging. (Just my reaction.)