Beverly Hills Call Girls (1986)
Genre: “Documentary” | Erotic
Country: USA | Director: Bert Rhine
Language: English | Subtitles: None
Aspect ratio: 1.33:1 | Length: 58mn
Vhsrip H264 Mkv – 768×576 – 29.970fps – 703mb
Some say money can’t buy anything but here it can buy the sexiest girls in the world. They’re luscious ladies of the evening and they’re just a phone call away. You’ll see just what it takes to be one of the highest paid call girls in the city. And get a revealing inside look at their careers. You’ll see how they “make it” and how they spend it. They’re Beverly Hills Call Girls, high priced and built to stay that way!
The IMDB link is incorrect. Here is the correct link
Thanks for warning me