Alien from the Deep (1989)
aka Alien degli abissi
Genre: Horror | Sci-Fi
Country: Italy | Director: Antonio Margheriti
Language: English or Italian (2 separate audio tracks) | Subtitles: None
Aspect ratio: 1.33:1 | Length: 91mn
Dvdrip H264 Mkv – 632×521 – 23.976fps – 1.09gb

The environmentalist Jane and her cameraman smuggle onto a tropical island to investigate the activities of the E-Chem plant. They obtain videotape proof that show that instead of decontaminating radioactive waste E-Chem is dumping it into the island’s active volcano. But they are spotted and pursued by the company’s mercenaries. A mysterious snake venom farmer aids Jane in her flight. They are then witnesses as an alien emerges from the nearby lake and kills all as it heads to the plant, drawn to the nuclear waste.

Antonio Margheriti’s Alien from the Deep is a gonzo Aliens rip-off, to be sure, and one not to be missed by fans of Margheriti’s work as well as Italian exploitation cinema! Any film featuring Charles Napier as the tough-talking, no-nonsense, get-it-done military type is worth checking out but only Aliens from the Deep features Luciano Pigozzi doing his best impression of Lucio Fulci and an alien so outrageous, so comedic, that you will never look at crustaceous meals the same way again. There’s no denying that Alien from the Deep is an uneven film, it starts out as an action adventure film with cheesy B-movie potential and then steadily declines into an unintentionally hilarious sci-fi horror film featuring a massive crab’s claw swinging back and forth.


Alien from the Deep (1989)