High Test Girls (1980)
aka Six Swedes at a Pump
aka Sechs Schwedinnen von der Tankstelle
Genre: Comedy | Erotic
Country: Switzerland | Director: Erwin C. Dietrich
Language: English or German or French or Italien
(4 separate audio tracks) | Subtitles: None
Aspect ratio: Widescreen 1.85:1 | Length: 84mn
Bdip H264 Mkv – 1900×1020 – 24fps – 3.50gb
6 young Swedish girls, who caused so much mischief in the girls’ boarding school, switched to professional life together. They start operating a restaurant with a petrol station. Thay have separate rooms for guests who take a short stay while the fuel flows into their tank in order to get rid of their tiger.
Thanks for this. Cons: Dietrich was assured technically and had good production values, but was still a hack who kept recycling the same situations and even shots (along with inane dialogue, and some of the same cast) through multiple films. He seemed to know what certain audiences of the day liked though. Pros: more Brigitte Lahaie (always !), in her prime, and this edition has a better resolution than most others that are out there.