Rolls Royce Baby (1975)
Genre: Adult | Erotic | Comedy
Country: Switzerland | Director: Erwin C. Dietrich
Language: English or German or French
(3 separate audio channels) | Subtitles: None
Aspect ratio: Widescreen 1.85:1 | Length: 87mn
Bdrip H264 Mkv – 1920×1080 – 24fps – 4.18gb

Roaming around gorgeous countryside in a chauffeur-driven vintage limousine, Lina drapes herself naked across the rear passenger upholstery, making herself available for any fortunate stray hiker the vehicle should happen to pass. A grim flashback scene involving a pair of unsavory truck drivers towards the end offers a psychological explanation for her nymphomania.


Rolls Royce Baby (1975)