You can login to both and with the same user/password, it will lead you to the same site, same account, same links.
All links can be opened with or For example:
Original link:
Same link but I replaced with
Thank you!
Thanks from Down Under for the heads up
May I ask?How can I recommend titles of films?
Hi, you can leave a com anywhere on the blog
Les équilibristes – Nicos Papatakis
Here is a suggestion for what appears to be an obscure Brazilian movie which I saw years ago in Santos. The title is Desejo Selvagem – Massacre No Pantanal. It is a 1979 movie. Here’s it’s IMDB page:
Theres a couple REALLY good scenes in it.
Hi, friends. Another film if you can get : Curvaceous Corpses – Paul Knop (Director)-1995.
Les enfants (1985) Director: Marguerite Duras
No updates for 3 days, guess NLZ is on holiday?
Hello, yes, I need a break, don’t worry I’ll be back soon :) You can leave requests and reups, I’ll deal with them as soon as possible.
Hi! Is there a way to download from nitroflare without a premium account? I’m not complaining or anything, it is just that the devaluated currency in my country makes it quite costly to pay for basically anything dollar-priced. I wouldn’t even mind like taking a whole day to dowload a single movie if that’s an option. Thanks!
Hello, I’m afraid you can’t download Nitro links larger than 1024mb in free mode, sorry
Can’t think of any (major ?) filehosts *that are still around* which allow free downloads of large files. Maybe there are one or two that I’m not aware of. One totally free host breaks a download into MANY smaller pieces, and can also be rather a pain to work with, bombarding neophytes or the unwary with strings of obnoxious pop-up ads. There are a couple multi-hosters — I’m aware of Linksnappy, and one that I know to be pretty good is Offcloud — which have relatively bargain-priced subscriptions, including available short-duration trial terms. These will typically cap _some_ of their list of hosts to 5 or 10 GB in total downloads per day. Unfortunately, I don’t think that Nitro is on either of their otherwise extensive lists. So, I guess the conclusion is that there is not much in the way of a “free lunch” to be found. One or maybe both of those multi-hosters also includes a torrent intermediary service, which can be considered a bonus — particularly if you must deal with intrusive, restrictive ISPs, as looks to be the case now for the U.K.
Fileboom. It may take forever to download a 2GB file, but it still allows free downloads. Maybe 1fichier also allows it, but I’m not sure.
TezFiles does. I think they’re run by the same people who run Fileboom.
Please switch to MEGA or
Keep things the way they are.
Hello, don’t worry I don’t plan to change anything, Nitro works great.
HI, Just wondering if you could re-up this one if you get a chance.
The Ugly Swans (2006) – Konstantin Lopushanskiy
Thanks a million.
Here’s a great suggestion: The Bunnyman Horror Movies:
Bunnyman 2011:
Bunnyman Massacre 2014:
Bunnyman Vengeance 2017:
Don’t be cheap guys and buy a premium. Why one would deal with a “free account” is beyond me, it’s ridiculous, the waiting time alone would drive me nuts let alone the superslow dl’s. Buy a 6 months NF premium (pay attention to the fees, use CC if possible) so it costs you a lousy 10 bucks a month or so. When I dl a 2 GB file I don’t have the time to take a piss and grab something to drink, file is already impatiently waiting for me. Plus NF is the leading filehoster when you look at the major warez sites (except Porn) for a while now. So skip a few beers a month and get a 1 or 2 premiums so you’re sorted.
And yes NLZ no need to change NF, reliable and good speed, the fee’s are ridiculous but that’s another issue.
It’s true: NF is by far the leader, the most widely used filehost. (Retention time seems to depend on the individual uploader, though. Many links do expire, sometimes much quicker than you’d imagine.) That said, Rapidgator seems to offer the fastest downloads — allowing for the decided variable of your internet service. Their subscription purchase arrangements and customer service don’t draw the best reviews, however. (I’ve sampled a lot of the major players . . . )
Yes I noticed that NF link do expire quickly sometimes depending on the site/uploader. Recently I tested 1fichier and was surprised that I got overall the same speed as with NF considering that it’s so cheap atm. I haven’t used RG in years but remember that it was faster than UL, that was maybe 3 years ago. I do still mourn Rapidshare haha, was a premium member for at least 5 yrs and it was great! But difficult to compare since my ISP connection nowadays is so much faster than a decade ago.
Good evening all. If I may speak for NLZ… Believe it or not MyDuck is here to make money, just like the people who made these great and not so great movies. Man/woman up and spend $20 a month to download all you can stand to or you get a blister on your mouse digits. Nitro is the best period. Nitro also is best at paying the referral for memberships. If it make you feel better, there are MANY porn forums that only allow hidef, nitro links.
So, support NLZ and the mighty duck. Also please don’t forget. If you download a movie and it is great, and you love it, consider buying it, to support the peeps that made it! I do.
O.K., then: How / where can we do the Nitro subscription in a way that returns some coin to this site ? Would it still work for renewals / subscription extensions ?
Hello, to support the blog, you can subscribe to nitroflare from any link posted on myduckisdead or vintageclassix :) (yes it works for renewals)
Just click on the link, and then ___ ?
(Sorry to be a bit dense as to the mechanics of this . . . )
Hello, when you click on a link posted on the blog, select “Fast download”, it will lead you to the “Premium Access” page. There, you can chose your premium access duration and various payment methods.
Thanks for the extra detail on that.
I’m based in the UK and Nitroflare has once again “disappeared”, i.e. when I click any and all of your links I get the message “This site cannot be reached”. The exact same thing happens at a couple of other sites that host their files at Nitro. The annoying thing is that I only just renewed my 365 day subscription yesterday and it worked absolutely fine for the first 24 hours but now…nada. Fingers crossed they get it up an running again soon.
Hello, I’m sory you can’t access nitro. I think the best would be to contact them so they can provide a fix as soon as possible
Or use a VPN.
For info, I’m also in the UK, and links currently seem to be working ok… ? (Fingers crossed.)
Yeah of course NF works in the UK. I can see a major filehoster having a problem for a few days but then they offer a fix (or in the worst case scenario a refund) otherwise it would destroy their reputation. Well if there’s suddenly a disclaimer “seized by the FBI” you might be out of luck haha.
For years I had an account with a sportsbetting site abroad and one day when I wanted to connect a government site popped up which listed what was legal and whatnot, like the friggin lottery. So I mailed the betting site and customer support offered me to wire the balance and close the account or a special link to circumvent the block so I chose the latter. Works perfectly :-)
You never know. Rapidshare was for years the King Kong of filehost sites. Then they got hounded by the powers-that-be, and one day: Poof ! Sayonara. But there are many, MANY substantial sites like this in recent years, spread all over the globe, many of them outside the reach of said “powers.” So it’s hard to see that happening again. It would become like a game of Whack-a-Mole. Mega in NZ got seized, but then in time it returned, in a somewhat altered form, although under circumstances where it did not enjoy the same level of trust. My guess is that Nitro sticks around for quite some time. now gone in UK
Yep, unable to download anything in the UK again.
Guys, don’t forget to contact Nitroflare so they can find a solution
NF may have to keep on regularly rolling out new variations of the fix they used before. Try some new DNS servers ? Either that, or get yourself a good VPN. Private Internet Access or Perfect Privacy are each quite good. I think I saw that Malwarebytes is offering a new
VPN service — don’t know whether it is by subscription or free. I’d suggest looking over the respective reviews.
I doubt that NF advocates the use of VPN. For NF it should be pretty easy to offer a bypass solution and people who experience problems should always contact NF like NLZ advised repeatedly.
I’ve used freeware VPN’s in order to access certain sites or content on YT but it definitely slowes the process down so that wouldn’t be an option to use for dl for me. I’ve seen certain VPN services being promoted like crazy on torrent sites and for a while now also on popular warez sites (they have deals and get a provision) but even if as a paying customer you should not experience issues with speed I don’t get why I should use these services. Where I’m at filesharing is not legal but there’s clearly no prosecution by authorities. Almost 20 yrs ago I had a provider where I received regularly emails that stated “your IP was scanned on said day & time downloading film X” and it reminded me that this was against TOS. I received countless of these and once called them and told a customer rep that they are free to terminate their service and kick me out, that I’d gladly pay my money to another ISP. Of course they didn’t and the emails kept coming but I didn’t lose sleep over that. So I’m not concerned about anonymity, actually I trust my ISP more than some VPN, at least with my ISP I trust they won’t hand out my data without a judicial order, I don’t extend that benefit of the doubt to any VPN.
Looks like “Big Brother” (that’s the Orwell reference, of course) is alive and well in the U.K. No one should be telling you what you can or cannot do with the internet service you are paying for . . . so long as you are not wreaking havoc on the general public. No one should be looking over your shoulder when you go online !
That’s the joy of living in draconian England – first the ‘Video Nasties’ in the ’80s and now this! It’s as if Mary Whitehouse prevails from beyond the grave in trying to STILL dictate what we can and can’t watch.
Just to confirm I’ve emailed this morning and I’m waiting on a reply. I’d recommend any UK-based user with a NitroFlare account do this asap if they’ve not done so already. I was impressed by how quickly NF turned this around previously, so hopefully, a fix will be provided soon.
Annoying though as I’d just renewed my membership and they bunged an extra 30 days on, presumably as a goodwill measure… not much good to me at the moment.
Just to say, I’m in mainland UK and links are still working fine. Very strange. Perhaps they’ve blocked some areas/networks and not others? I dunno.
I think it may depend on what ISPs are being used…
Contacted nitro too yesterday. Not heard back with a fix yet. My ISP is Virgin media.
Perhaps someone could just download ‘Aerobics Girls’ for me and send it to me through the post?
No both types of nitro link are down via the BT ISP in the UK.
Have to disagree with Henry about VPN, my experience with it being contrary to his. Essential if you’re getting torrents. Speed diminution is a factor of several variables, and need not be that severe. You have to look for a strong “keeps-no-logs” policy. Perfect Privacy claims to run on Ramdisk, which traffic goes off of a cliff after 90 minutes — so, after that no extant records to seize anyway. Where there are any bad reports, a company’s reputation would suffer greatly . . . and this is very apt to make the news on sites like Torrentfreak.
Damn, looks like links have finally gone down at my end – hope something can be sorted out to fix things soon-ish. : (
Nitroflare Support’s final response is that UK users should use a VPN. As I’ve had either no success or very slow download times from VPN and as this will mean paying not just for Nitroflare but also a VPN provider (with slow download speeds or limits on the size of files I can download with 24 hours or some other BS), I have advised NF that I can no longer use their services
Unless anyone here can guarantee a VPN that actually does what it says it can do and download speeds are not slowed down then I must say goodbye to My Duck Is Dead and sites like it. Well done the UK, barely out of Europe and big corporations are flooding our courts with copyright infringement claims reducing the internet to nothing more than a glorified shopping channel.
I hope someone can cheer me up by suggesting a workaround, ideally a free one.
This is fucked up. Did they tell you that this goes for all UK users resp. every British ISP? Or can they tell you ISP’s who don’t block the site? Really surprises me that NF seems to be willing to potentially abandon the UK market. I don’t know with how many different customer reps you already had contact but sometimes you get different responses by different reps. So I’d advise you try again, maybe ask to be put in contact with some supervisor, and then ask if they don’t have their own proxy infrastructure. If they could set up one you then might (depending on browser) be able to connect to NF (it generates an irrelevant privacy error) although I’m not tech savvy enough to know if it might interfere with the dl’s somehow.
As for VPN’s, the free ones you can forget, you’d have to be a paying customer of a VPN. In that case, anyone who’s willing to pay the extra fee on top of NF should study reviews and maybe go for a trial first.
What about some of the other UK users here? Did you guys receive the same info?
I had to provide screenshots over and over and I got a lot of ‘Thank you, we are verifying this for you now’ replies, I’ve kept pushing it, I sent emails twice even three times daily to keep the momentum going. I’ve emailed them again since their last reply, requesting clarification and explaining why this is not a helpful resolution. No mention of trying different ISPs, checking news stories online it’s the big 5 UK ISPs (BT, EE, Sky, Talk Talk and VM) that are responding to a court order by the BPI
“Perhaps the most interesting takeaway from the rulings, however, is that Judge Miles ordered ISPs to block Nitroflare (which attracted an annual average of 3.5 million UK users throughout the last three years) despite the fact that “music only represents around 10% of all files available.”
Even so, “the site warranted being blocked because it actively encouraged illegal sharing and it was highly unlikely that the site was being used for legitimate storage on a significant scale,” the text indicates. Moving forward, with the BPI seemingly set to initiate litigation against other stream-ripping and file-sharing services yet, it’ll be worth bearing in mind this High Court justification for ordering ISPs to block Nitroflare.”
I read the article. What a victory they claim: They shut down 4 mp3 converter sites for YT videos (what about the addons?) and yes possibly NF too. The numbers according to the article show the dimension, 58 million annual UK visitors vs. 3.5m for NF. And out of these 3.5m the paying customers are probably in the single-digit % range. The BPI claims months of negotiations with the UK’s six biggest ISP’s. This seems to imply the ISP’s handed out (anonymised) data. Or maybe they begged them to do it without a court order.
I checked the board on a very popular site, they use the nitro.dl links and there’s no one mentioning that NF is blocked in the UK. Zero complaints.
But we know it is blocked in the UK? I’m presuming you’re saying that the UK market for NF is so minor (for paid subs) that this is going to be of little consequence to them to provide the impetus to find a solution? And I’m in agreement with that, NF don’t owe me or paying British customers anything- and non-paying users even less, it’s the UK law courts responsible for this directly.
The court case is the BPI being able to show some flex now they don’t have to work within EU laws. I worked in video 30 years ago and I remember when talking to someone about the limitations of the UK market and why so many titles weren’t available in the UK (not due to censorship just in comparison to other markets) and that not all video piracy was about taking profits from cinema chains or funding criminals or terrorists (!) and they said ‘there’s more money to be made in copyright claims than there ever will be in selling actual product’… but whereas it was video piracy then, now it’s file sharing. It’s the same old song, then it was analogue, now it’s digital.
I don’t doubt that your NF access is blocked. There are 2 or 3 users who took the effort to let others know that NF is blocked in the UK and this a niche site here. So I expected to find an active discussion on popular sites or a disclaimer and did not so I wonder about that. They all change silently filehosters? Or they all have long been blocked too in the UK?
By the remark “showing the dimension” I meant that it’s obvious again that the vast majority of users prefers streams, legal or illegal, and that the frequent downloaders are a relatively small group of users. Already I feel like a dinosaur sometimes because I’m collecting films and cherish owning my faves as a physical product in form of DVD’s & VHS (and to support the producers of course).
And no I didn’t assume that the UK market is neglectable for NF, the 3.5m users mentioned actually confirmed that presumption. If I calculate with 5% (just a wild guess) it makes 175k premiums/annually, seems no peanuts to me but what do I know. If this goes for all the major UK ISP’s now you shouldn’t be obligated to send them screenshots as if they are clueless about the situation. Yes BPI and the courts are reponsible but if NF cannot come up with a fix or gives a shit they should apologize for the inconvenience and offer refunds imo.
My fault for reading and engaging at silly o’clock in the morning, apologies for the misunderstanding.
I’ve gone down the route of paying for a VPN for a month so I can use my Nitroflare account until it expires. My initial concerns about VPNs seemed confirmed when the download time (for a 2.5gb file) said 12 hours, but then after showing that for about 20-30 seconds that ticked down rapidly to a more acceptable download time of 10 mins, longer than I’m used to but not by much more (I wouldn’t complain about download speeds if the service was free but one of NF’s selling points is the speed of download)
So I’ll do this for the next month and then consider if it seems worthwhile setting up an NF account plus VPN for another month later in the year. But handing over money to NF isn’t something I really want to do again, after their response this time around.
My annoyance is that I love films and I love music but neither industry in the UK (bar a few exceptions) seem to physically issue or stream the stuff I’m looking for, certainly not in the quantity and range of titles I’m looking for… so a site like MDID is a lifeline… and, yes, my shelves creak with dvds, vhs, vinyl, cds, etc. too… I’m always paying someone to enjoy being a film/music fan and one way or another I’m denied from accessing so much… rant over… I’ve posted too much here, I wish everyone well and that a solution is found one way or another for all
You won’t be needing a crystal ball to see where this slippery slope leads. There are several dozen filehost sites (many of them large, prominent, and successful) which do exactly what NF does. I suppose your courts can try to zap ALL of them, or a lot of them, and we shall see where this leads. But they will NEVER be able to lock every door. I mean, people still exchange some quite rare material — or even flatly illegal, and I’m not just talking copyright here either — via the ancient Newsgroup system. That involves tracking down and stitching together MANY small archive pieces, plus sifting though a lot of fake / scam / entries that are only there to entice and deceive. A PITA that most users have had no patience for for some decades now. (When was the last time you heard anything about Newsgroups ?) But my point is that one way or another, material will still get exchanged.
There is a great variability in the specs and procedures for the SO MANY VPNs that are on the market. And a lot of useful reviews to be found: CNET, PC Mag Online, Torrentfreak, and possibly at Tom’s Hardware, among others. I’ve mentioned a couple VPNs that I like, but do your own checking. Yes, you can probably forget about the free ones: as in most things, you get what you pay for. As Henry said, a trial term if available would make for a good test drive.
Same as Mywrf, i had to supply multiple screenshots to NF but still no resolve. Hopefully they can sort it out as before, it’s still relatively early days. Will have to see what transpires… Not willing to say goodbye to My Duck Is Dead yet, but will if i’m forced to buy a VPN. Typical that i have 2 months worth of NF downloads pre-bought which i can’t use.
Latest reply from NF:
Latest reply from NF:
“Since this block is not our fault we will not offer a refund.
Please address this issue with your ISP that blocks our site.”
So, I need to contact my ISP and ask them to overturn the block
So NF would like their ex-customers to do the work for them and pressure the ISP’s? No refund because see the small print in our TOS, typical reply from an industry leader. If it’s imposed by the court they can do nothing. You’d have to change to another ISP if that’s a solution at all.
You could also mention this in an online review, what else can you do. I’d be pissed too.
I have also had the exact same reply from them earlier today but as I’d just paid for a full one-year sub the day before the links stopped working I’ve raised a claim via Paypal. I know they’ll probably come back to say that it’s all outwith their control, which I do realise and accept, but I thought it was at least worth a try as I’m currently £100 out of pocket. And if they manage to find a way round the block, even better.
My reply from NF today – ‘Please use VPN to bypass this block while we will try to find a solution.
apologies’ – Worth waiting a week for.
Or the mod could add a mirror to files hosted on Nitroflare… but of course he won’t.
Hi, it would be a huge amount of work and right now I don’t have time for that so I really hope that Nitro will find a solution as soon as possible
Can you find Arcana
After numerous emails and screenshots, contacting NF via email and facebook, communication with them has come to nought and has dropped off. Looks like they are not bothered about finding a fix (beyond us UK residents paying for a VPN). They said that the blocking of their site in the UK is beyond their liability. They don’t care basically.
Thanks for the update, even if it’s not the outcome you wanted.
Me again… can anyone confirm if NF provides a VPN service or partners with anyone that does or perhaps offers a list of approved VPNs?
I paid for a VPN on Saturday and downloading was fine until today (Wednesday) when the download times rather than decrease to a manageable 10 mins or so now escalate to 24 hours and then fail. Maybe it’s the VPN’s fault? Let’s give NF the benefit of the doubt, however, while trying to access my account details from NF I got an email sent to me saying my account has been hacked, so I went back to my account to change the password, and my email address but I found myself unable to connect to NF via the VPN and obviously can’t via my ISP because I’m in the UK… so I’m just finding all of this very suspicious, or am I being paranoid? Are NF blameless in all of this?
I’m not making any further payments to NF again, that’s for sure. Oh, and the final line of NF’s email about my account being hacked, in a bright red type:
“Note that the next time we will block your account immediately.”
If in doubt, blame the customer!
Well I don’t really understand what happened. Your NF account was hacked and NF sent you an email to inform you about this?? Not sure what they refer to as “the next time…”?
Regardless of the account you use, make sure you always use a secure password (like PZg_46_H-99aU).
Each VPN has it’s rules regarding the use of filesharing sites and they’re bound to the laws of the countries where they’re located. Just contact your VPN and ask for support. And I’m not aware that NF promotes a certain VPN but why not ask if they can recomend one for you since they suggested you use that as a fix in the first place. I can only confirm that I use NF since early 2017 as a premium member and never had any problems with them. Their customer support could certainly be better but otherwise NF is 100% legit as far as I’m concerned.
TOR just came to my mind. You could try to use Tor instead of a VPN, doesn’t take much time to install and it’s free. That could work too or you could ask NF in advance. The issue with tools to anonymize connections and filehosters it that the hosting site must be able to identify you as their premium client or otherwise the system may think it’s a hacking attempt or you handed your account infos over to some friends. I regularly dl stuff in different places using their Wifi and with one filehoster (not NF though) it got me warnings that they’d ban me if I continue this practice.
Hope that helps.
That is a good point Henry just raised about Tor, and may apply to any tool that conceals who you are and where you are operating from, insofar as a filehost is concerned. [f.y.i., TAILS is a self-contained, bootable Tor package which gets updated every 6 weeks or so . . . but they don’t recommend its use for serious downloading.] And here’s another idea that wouldn’t be practical for regular use, but might be workable for the occasional “Absolutely Gotta Get That” situation: If a friend outside of the U.K. has NF, they could grab a particular download, then re-send it to you via a free service like Sendspace or Wetransfer. (Or maybe something like Dropbox.) However, there is a file size limit, so it may have to be Rar’d into less than 2GB size archive pieces. In that scenario, I’d strongly suggest using the Rar Recovery Record feature, plus encryption and a password, and name the archive something vague or generic that does not readily identify it. These measures should protect file integrity and keep the contents beyond the reach of any prying eyes. Extra work and can be a bit tedious, but I know from actual practice that this works.
You know I would even do that in the meantime for the 2 – 3 users who have unusable NF premiums for now as I don’t consider the situation as set in stone (yet). Someone posted he just bought a 1-year sub and the next day the block happened!
I mean dl 2-3 files and reupload on another hosting site for example, link exchange via email if NLZ has no problem with that. I’d gladly do that if someone absolutely wants some gems available here but as a one time thing haha.
Can you find Shining Through
Is it possible to search using multiple tags? I.e. UK + 80s?
Thank you!
Hello, I’m afraid it’s not possible sorry
No problem, thank you!
Good Day admin is it possible to get Martial Arts Master Wong Fei Hung (1992) aka Huang Fei Hong xi lie: Zhi yi dai shi
please and thanks for the content
Is it possible to find LAST SCENE directed by Hideo Nakata ?
Two requests:
It’s Now or Never (1992):
Desecration (1999):
Is that a no?
Sorry, I can’t find It’s now or never with English subs and I could post a dvdrip of Desecration but I’m still searching for a bdrip
NLZ, you mentioned once that you get also NF provisions for renewals (which I doubted before you wrote that). I just did for another 6 months using a link here so hopefully you get something.
Yes, I just received it in my NF account, thank you very much for your support Henry :)
Hey NLZ, any chance of re-upping Russ Meyer’s “Good morning… and Goodbye!”
I can’t find it anywhere, but think you had it on your former site. Thanks very much if you’re able to do it!
I only hope you don’t upload anything i want as i am using TOR browser with an average upload time of 1 day 20 hours – if it uploads at all, which most of the time it doesn’t.
Pretty cryptic comment. Do you mean upload or download? I’d be interested in a few other experiences of people using TOR and filehosters. Are you in the UK?
Hi NLZ, any chance of a re-up on this one? well, because it’s you know, got kinky in the title
thanks mate
NLZ, do you have access to a Chinese film called “There is a Secret in my Soup?” If so, could you upload it to the site?
Would it be possible to upload Joe Sarno’s Inga and The Seduction Of Inga? I believe they were once available on the site here.
Much Thanks
Would it be possible to re upload What Ever Happened to Baby Toto? Title appears as removed due to inactivity.
Is it possible to find ‘East Of Sudan’? Thankyou.
Any chance you could find Leaf Blower Massacre (2013)
I’ve had the 2nd one for a while but can’t find the first one.
Would it be possible to find L’amour Braque, (1985) by Andrzej Zulawski?
Thanks for a great site.
Dear NLZ,
Could you please re-upload Gongofer / Гонгофер (1992) by Bakhyt Kilibayev?
Thanks in advance!
I would like to request this tv movie if it exists – The Return of Ironside 1993
Thank you for all these rare movies
How to download any movie from this website, i dont find any download link ? I am using a smartphone .
Would you be able to upload the “Armour of God 1986” movie starring Jacky Chan in high definition mkv file ?
Thanks for Armour of God. Would you be able to upload Top Gun 1986 starring Tom Cruise ?
Upload ‘Top Gun’ and i’m not renewing my Nitroflare premium!
please upload “Armour of God II: Operation Condor 1991” starring Jackie Chan
please upload “Flaming Brothers 1987” starring Chow Yuen Fatt
Thank you, NLZ, for this site! Would you be open to hosting some workprints?
Able to upload “Rich and Famous 1987” and “Tragic Hero 1987” with Chow Yun Fatt ?
Are you able to find / upload this one – ‘The Snow Goose’ (1971)? Thankyou
Would you be able to upload “God of Gamblers I” & “God of Gamblers II” starring Chow Yun Fatt ?
Would appreciate you posting Some Like it Violent
Hoping that you can upload Les Desaxees by Michel Lemoine .
Mr O’s Book of the Dead 1973
Directed by Nagano Chiaki
Any chance on getting any of these titles recently out on bluray?-
Master of the World by Alberto Cavallone
Images in a Convent by Joe D’Amato
Caligula the Untold Story by Joe D’Amato
Caligula and Messalina by Bruno Mattei
Would you be able to re-up O-Bi, O-Ba: The End of Civilization, (1985) Piotr Szulkin…
Thanks a million for everything!
Would you be able to upload The Yakuza Way ? Thanks!
Hi admin is it possible to get this South Korean Movie – The Fake (2017)
please and thanks
Hello! Any chance of a re-up for The Big Bird Cage?
Thanks for all the great (and terrible) films.
Hi is it possible to get this movie Two Jolly Cops (1985)
It maybe a bit off topic but do you have THE GLASS SHIELD by Charles Burnett? It’s a cop thriller from the 90s!
Do you have Killer Force by Val Lewton? Thanks!
I’m sorry, it’s Val Guest of course;)
Would you be able to get “Sour Grapes” by Larry David? I’d appreciate it!
Do you have Black Moon Rising starring Tommy Lee Jones? Thank you in advance!
Can we get please get a re-upload of SPECIAL SILENCERS (1982) and an upload for NIGHTDREAMS 2 (1990) and NIGHTDREAMS 3 (1991)
Thanks for re-uploading SPECIAL SILENCERS!
Looking for the Turkish movie – LAST HOUSE IN ISTANBUL (1976) aka Çirkin dünya – Directed by Osman F. Seden
If possible, please re-up JOHAN (1976): Many thanks!
Hi is it possible to get Rape Zombie Side-Story: Hardcore of the Dead (2017)
How to download any movie from this website, i dont find any download link ?
My second request: if possible, please re-up BEYOND THE DOOR:
Hello, looking for the following:
The Naked Fog by Joe Sarno
Hi myduckisdead.
Would it be possible to upload the Severin bluray of El Pico 2?
I’ve been dying for this one for ages.
Thank you so much!
I hope you can upload Yellow Le Cugine, Italian, from 1969.
Is there anywhere?
Just a bit curious about something: your wonderful site is one of many that shows up in my browser’s address bar as “Not Secure.” I always ignore this “caution”, because when it’s somewhere I really want to go I don’t care how they happen to rank it, so long as they don’t block my attempts to access the site. My wild guess is that it’s because you are not HTTPS. Is that the reason ?
You’re right, it’s because it’s not https.
How come when I make a request in various posts, the post doesn’t show up? I hit the “Post Comment” button and the comment field is blank.
Is it because of the imdb link I include with it? That somehow it’s blocking it?
Or is it because I’m using a VPN?
Imdb links are ok. Not sure about vpn (the anti spam plugin might block vpn ips).
What’s interesting is I try to post it again and the website says I’ve already posted it before, yet it won’t display it. Dunno what’s up with that.
And I’ve had to turn my VPN off in order to post this, so I guess the website is banning VPNs
Periodically, my comments have failed to post also. (But working more recently, hasn’t happened in a while.) Have not ever accessed the site with a VPN. I run at least 4 different browsers on any computer, useful for cross-checking whenever some anomaly comes up. The non-posts were not browser-specific, so that probably rules one thing out. My impression has been that you do not deliberately zap comments, without some very good reason.
A few keywords are forbidden (like some other sharing websites) and a few ips are submitted to moderation. Other than that, if a com does’nt appear it’s because of the antispam plugin. I don’t really know how it works, maybe it’s a bit excessive, but it’s essential (without it, the site would be flooded with hundreds of spam coms every day).
How to download any movie from this website, i dont find any download link ?
Links are just below the thumbnails
Is there a way to unblock my ip? I wasn’t spamming.
Hi, your ip is not blocked, all comments are submitted to moderation, I have to approve them manually
Moderated comment – Please don’t post false or misleading information.
There was nothing false or misleading in my above comment.
I have been a supporter of this site for years, and Nitroflare currently is offering no “customer support” for their failed payment system.
I’d be happy to share the email exchange with you, or any other evidence you’d like to see.
I should ad that the “other methods” option may work for their filevoucher reseller. I’m just not interested in paying a 30% fee on top of the 30% fee that Nitroflare already charges in addition to the actual cost.
You were talking about Nitro screwing some users which is not true. Their support is not always super friendly but they can be trusted and their service is reliable. I would never use a scam host. I’ve been using nitro for years and will keep using them. To replace Nitro with another filehost would require a huge amount of work for a very uncertain result.
I’m really sorry you have issues with them but on my side there’s not much I can do. You can contact Telsek on wjunction, he might help.
I simply said that there are posts above from people that were having difficulty with Nitroflare. So far for me, their “support” has been simple generic form responses. Which have been of no value. I realize moving your site to a new host would be a huge ordeal, and unless you hear of more people having issues it’s probably not worth it to you. It’s odd that I want to give Nitroflare money, but they’re not interested. I know you can’t see how much, or how long, I’ve had a premium membership, but they can. Looking through my hard drive, I have almost 2000 movies from you. So hopefully a noticeable amount of it trickled through to you. I think we had a good run. :)
Thanks for the above suggestion, but I’m not going to register for another site. I’ve already had my bank do a deep dive and isolate the problem to their end. It’s definitely a recent problem as I have used the same credit card to pay them for quite a while. Maybe some future update will magically fix it.
So not once did Nitroflare ever try to address the problem. Pure apathy, other than a couple of form emails asking me to try things that I had already explained to them had been tried.
Today I saw below that someone had recently re-registered, so I got inspired to try one more time. I tried 2 different credit cards on each of the four options listed. All failed. BUT! Then I got a call from one of the credit cards that THEY thought the transaction looked like fraud. I confirmed it was not, and they said if I tried again it should go through. So after I figured out which option was trying to work, I gave it a go…. and it failed.
BUT! Then I got an email form Nitroflare welcoming me back, and that I now had premium access. WTF!?!? So I logged in and just pulled a couple of movies, so it appears legit. What a no-service joke they are. Hopefully I don’t regret the purchase. I agree with you that historically they’re pretty stable. We’ll see.
So I guess now I get to bug you with requests again. heh :)
What you mean by “failed payment system” if I may ask?
Did you want to buy premium with CC and payment was not accepted?
Just wondered what the issue is because my 6 m. premium is expiring today so I have to renew.
While the my comments on posted movies are gone since you rebuilt the site last year, I have requested multiple movies from you in the past. When I started visiting this site you were still utilizing as an option.
Have sampled most of the major filehost players, and currently hold subscriptions to a few of them. Some are joined at the hip to a particular site, for reasons unknown. (That includes some less prominent hosts.) Rapidgator seems to have the fastest download speeds, and by a considerable margin. Even with 5GB or larger files. Nitro seems to be the great blue whale of the latter day crop, and frequently gets selected as the default choice. (Some others were big and riding high for awhile, but then in time they were gone.)
I’d say that none of them are entirely trouble-free, and the pricing or seasonal deals will vary, but most of them have come through for regular customers like myself, and their customer service has resolved any issues that did come up. Not always swiftly, but after some back and forth. They tend to have an interest in retaining customers.
Any geo-blocking or U.K. type legal clampdowns are a separate and special case.
Allright, just renewed my NF premium for another 6 months (CC payment).
@NLZ Hope you got your provision. Well deserved for all your efforts, I highly appreciate it! Don’t go anywhere pls, haha.
Thank you very much for your support Henry. Don’t worry I don’t intend to disappear :)
Hello! The AntiChrist link seems to be exorcised. Reup please!
The Antichrist (1974) Alberto De Martino
Hi. Are you to find a copy of this film, ‘Eric & Shaye’ please? –
Do you have the slasher film VALENTINE (2001)? Thank you for your work!
I was reading through and was wondering if anyone recalled when nitro used paypal? I’m looking at my account for when I last bought the sub 4 months ago and that was paypal. I could’ve sworn I got it through their site and not a reseller? My sub just expired two days ago and am unable to use my card. any assist or snarky advice would be greatly appreciated
Yeah NF offered PP directly over the yrs and they took it off at least 2 times as I can remember and it popped up again at some point without any explanation. Myself lasttime I renewed premium with PP was over a year ago and I cannot remember when I noticed this payment option last time on NF. Very well possible that it was there 4 months ago.
Which card are you referring to here: A proper VISA/Mastercard or some prepaid CC? What kind of error do you get? Tried all 4 options? What about support?
I use a bank card (mastercard) . I get the “unable to process” or “payment failed” type errors I tried all 4 including the amazonpay. I tried support and they were helpful-ish and asked what happened but kind of evaded answering the paypal thing which I understand I guess? It’s a bummer because it’s how I’d gotten my Myduckisdead access all this time .
Please take no offence but do you have a Debit or Credit Mastercard?
none taken , it’s a debit Mastercard.
Actually I have an older Mastercard credit card as well from the same bank I attempted to use both this go around after not finding a PPoption
A debit card won’t work, this is only for credit cards. Is the older Mastercard CC still valid? Did you use it on other sites recently? Because a valid CC should def work.
Else your only option is to click on one of the other methods which are all via a reseller site. Prices there vary a bit and are 5 – 10 Euros more expensive than with CC but these resellers are reliable imo. If you click on the one with many logos (under Alipay) you can chose one out many options tailored to several EU countries like France, Spain, Netherlands, Poland…
Bitcoin is also possible.
The other poster brought up an interesting question: @NLZ Do you get provision when someone signs up via reseller?
Officially yes but I don’t have access to this kind of details in my stats
Many payment options or processors (Visa, MC, etc.) have periodically clamped down on handling anything that attracted too much political heat. And Big Content — led by the MPAA and RIAA — have regarded the cyberlocker host services as being primary accomplices to piracy. Piracy in their view equating to any sort of filesharing. They rail against DVDFab, but cannot touch them because it’s a Chinese company that thumbs its nose at notions of IP in general. But they are quite successful elsewhere, as witness that sweeping blocking on many services, enacted by that UK court decision as previously discussed here. Their success with crackdowns at various payment methods has run hot and cold, but I think that PayPal has been one of the earliest ones to knuckle under.
I can tell you one thing for sure: you *can* buy Nitro subscriptions using BTC . . . although I’m less sure as to whether doing it that way can still spin off any benefit to favored sites, such as the Duck.
I just saw a YT video that referenced a Torrentfreak article, concerning some new European legislation. (Called DSA ? Would have to go back to check on that. I’d post a url for this, if it’s allowed.) It sounded like rather bad news, along the lines of that U.K. court decision but wider ranging to more countries, and may have some implications for this subject.
Do you have THE PHANTOM SPEAKS (1945) with Tim Lucas’ commentary? Thank you for all your work! Keep it up!
May I request Albert Zugsmith’s “The Beat Generation”? Been looking forever for that one.
This has been happening for awhile now.
Whenever I click on an imdb link, my browser opens two tabs to the imdb. It’s as if something on your website is doing a browser redirect towards something else, and then stops only to duplicate the tab. And it only happens to the imdb links on your website, nowhere else.
If I set it to open the link in a new window instead of a new tab, the new window to the imdb appears, but the original window switches from the imdb link. I now have two windows with the imdb instead of one.
Again, it only happens on your website. I’m using Firefox.
Is there some kind of browser hijack that’s being attempted here that you don’t know about?
Hi, it could be a conflict between the theme and a plugin I use to open links in a new tab, but if it only happens to you, I don’t know. Have you tried with another browser? In any case, nothing to worry about.
Please reup Enter the Devil.
“Hi, it could be a conflict between the theme and a plugin I use to open links in a new tab”
Has that plug-in changed at all in the last few months? It didn’t always used to do this.
Do you by any chance have An Unsuitable Job for a Woman (1982) by Chris Petit? It’s been released on blu.
Do you have the Japanese movie AGI, THE FURY OF EVIL (1984) the uncut 80 minute version? Even if it doesn’t have English subs. It’s ultra rare. Thanks!
Any chance of finding I Spit Chew on your Grave from 2008?
Hi Can you please re-up Mondo Keyhole?
Hello, can you re-upload The All American Boy (1973) please?
Thanks, NLZ!
Can you give us THE TELEPHONE by Rip Torn? Thank you for all your work!
Hi NLZ, been looking for this one for a while. sorrys, let me know if you find correct one for this, it’s actually “the pussywillows” part of that elusive box 3-set – thanks!!!
Even better than Santa Claus – All hail the duck!!! Thanks NLZ
Sorry for the down time, I forgot to pay the server bill…
Haha you’re human after all. Thanks for all the recent uploads & re-uploads, you’re very busy and I appreciate it. Although atm I have a backlist of stuff to watch so I have to be selective. Keep up the excellent work pls!
LOL I was checking the site all last night, sad like “I wish I knew how to quit you!”
i’d like to purchase a premium accout but many of the movies i want to dl are ‘removed due to inactivity’. if i purchase an account can i request that those titles are re-uploaded? thanks. i’d really like to sign up but i’m afraid that most of what i want isn’t really available here.
Hi, just leave a com on the pages with dead links, they will be reuploaded as soon as possible (please request 1 title at a time, max 2)
i would like to go through a bunch of movies at once and figure out which ones i want. is it ok if i leave a comment on each of the missing ones and check back occasionally to see if they’re re-uploaded? i know it takes time to re-up, so i’m fine with bookmarking and checking over the course of my subscription but i have a feeling that i’ll find a bunch that have become inactive. thanks for the movies.
Don’t worry, all reups will be done in time (it’s usually quick) but please no more than 1 or 2 max at a time.
Hey! Can you get “The Telephone” by Rip Torn and “Black Moon Rising” by Harley Cokeliss?
Hello NLZ, do you have the italian crime flick DAY OF VIOLENCE(1977)? Thanks for all the hard work!
Hi NLZ any chance you could find this movie?
The Carhops (aka Kitty Can’t Help It) (1975)
None of the files will open in NitroDownload? I’ve checked about 20 movies, just get the spinning donut of doom.
Please try again, maybe they were doing some maintenance on the servers.
Trying again now 14 hours later. I can login in now, but now I’m just getting blank screens where the files should be available for download?
It works fine on my side. Have you tried to clean your cache or open nitro links in another browser?
No such problem evident here at the moment.
A caution for fellow users of the Opera browser: clearing cache / cookies (which is lazily considered to be a routine fix-all in most browsers) but doing this *natively* will also trash a lot of stuff like the browsing history that you might have wanted to retain, a true “throwing out the baby with the bathwater” scenario. This was not the case for example with FireFox, or at least with older versions of that browser, which had provisions for a much finer-grain degree of control. However, there are Extensions that can be added to the browser which can grant a much more precise control over exactly WHAT you wish to delete, such as limiting this to specific domains.
I use Tor to download so there’s no cache to clear. Will give it another try tomorrow and see it’s working again. Thanks
Do you notice a speed difference if you dl via Tor as compared to Firefox for example?
Hey! Can you get the documentary “Some Nudity Required” from 1998? Starring Lisa Boyle, Maria Ford and Fred Olen Ray. It’s hard to come by.
Hello NLZ! I’d love to see the italian crime film “Vai Gorilla” by Tonino Valerii. Is it possible for you to get it?
Been having all kinds of issues with the site over the last couple of weeks. Unable to leave comments, keeps saying that I’ve already left a comment when it’s not adding the comment at all. And now after a period of being able to login directly into Nitro I’m now having to answer about 20 Capcha tests in a row to login and download one file. Really frustrating.
Hi, sorry coms are manually approved so they don’t appear directly on the site. About Nitro, if you have an account you shouldn’t have to answer any capcha, have you tried to clear your cache or open the links in another browser?
Hi, NZL. Maybe yo can get Curvaceous Corpses – Paul Knop (Director)-1995.
Thanks for all your work.
Hi, wondering if you have Shredder Orpheus or not?
Hi, I’m trying to get it, but can’t say if it is possible
Been trying to get a copy of the Japanese Horror/Drama Writing Tongue (1980) for years now. One smaller place in the U.S. sells an Eng subbed boot DVD of it, but won’t ship outside the U.S. If you can find it and upload it, it would be appreciated. Rarely seen outside of Japan. Thanks for The Vampire Family re-up
Thanks for The Romance of the Vampires and Doctor Vampire. Really appreciate it. Nice bonus with Fatal Encounter too.
I don’t know if my request came true or not. I was asking about GHOSTS OF HANLEY HOUSE. It’s public domain, so there are lots of crappy vhs transfers around. But there seems to be a decent looking version out there. Maybe you can find it! It would be awesome. It’s like THE HAUNTING, but the Hillbilly version of it, totally moody and atmospheric and weird.
Sorry I haven’t been able to locate any good copy of this one (only a shitty one :). If I find one I’ll post it.
Okay! Thanks anyway! The guy who did the 50th anniversary edition (he re-edited the film and put it online) had a really good transfer. I asked him where he got it but I got no reply.
Thank you very much for this website, I have used it in the past to download movies. When I opened it today, I do not see any download links for any movie that I checked. I have tried 4 different browsers and I am not using a VPN or any type of blocking. How can I see the download links?
Hello, nothing has changed on the site, links are still below the thumbnails. Have you tried to right click them to open them in a new window?
Well if you maybe haven’t visited this site in years then you’re looking for the links like the were in the old site. Nowadays you have to just click on the film title directly under the thumbnails and it links to NF.
Thanks for Affrighted Romance and Wrath of Silence!
Thanks for Holy Weapon!
I just renewed my subscription for 3 months. Any chance you could upload Woman of Fire (1971) and Woman of Fire ’82 (1982) both directed by Kim Ki-young, and Hellfire (1980) aka Sa Init ng Apoy, directed by Romy Suzara? Thanks for Caress (1982), much appreciated.
Can you upload Fraulein Leather by Millard.
Hello, it’s here:
Still looking for the Hong Kong horror movie Fury of the Heaven (1986) directed by Chan Siu-Pang, if you’re able to get it? Thanks
Hello, I got this rip rip but I find it too dark to be posted. It’s a vhsrip with English hardcoded subs. Here it is:
Any chance of uploading the Soviet-era Russian horror movie The Vampire (1991) by Yevgeny Tatarsky – Original title: Pyushchye krovi ? Thanks for The Last Witness, much appreciated.
Sadly no subs are available
I try to post a request and nothing appears here. Am I missing something? Have I been banned or what?
Thank you
Hello, you’re not banned, all coms are submitted to moderation
Haven’t had a com get through here for several months, although I always strive to have some worthwhile contribution. (We’ll see what becomes of THIS one.) Leaves me wondering if ones from “anonymous” are more likely to be discarded than those from recognized names, or if certain IP addresses are getting screened and automatically rejected ?
Hello, I’m sorry if the coms don’t appear automatically, for my sanity I keep it that way. I read all of them, try to deal with every request (it’s not always possible) I approve all coms that contain information (if you have something to say about a movie, good or bad, it will be approved) some coms might disappear in the spam folder (can’t really tell you why I don’t know how the antispam plugin works but it’s useful, dozens of spam coms are blocked every day).
Any chance you could upload the rare filipino movie SNAKE SISTERS (1984) by Celso Ad. Castillo? Could you also please reupload CROSS OF THE DEVIL? The existing link has expired, thanks
There’s a rip of Snake Sisters (with english subs) on but low quality
Wow, thank you so much for the quick upload of THE SQUAW MAN. Much appreciated.
Do you have The Hellstrom Chronicle? The Blu-ray is long OOP and crazy expensive
Hello, I could post a dvdrip if you want it but I can’t find any rip of the bluray
Looks like Spectrum just blocked Nitroflare in my neck of the woods (East Coast USA).
I’d get a written confirmation from Spectrum and then contact NF and ask for a circumvention (if any is possible). They also might be able to refer you to other providers.
Thanks for the info Henry. Think I jumped the gun though with my Spectrum assumption, since Nitroflare started working for me the next morning.
Thanks for reuploading The Demon Within
Isn’t Spectrum the successor to Time Warner Cable, and owned by Charter, which I think may be corporate-based in Texas ? No such blocking outcome noted as yet on the left coast . . . and I make use of NF on a daily basis. If they tried to pull any crap like that here, I’d immediately go to VPN, which I have available, and then consider switching providers if necessary.
That’s the spirit! I remember 20 yrs ago when I was still with one of the old major providers and used eDonkey/eMule to dl stuff. This was before DMCA had become the widely established standard, the big multis hired anti-piracy companies who searched the Net for P2P file sharing. My provider forwarded me countless emails “this IP has been scanned dl such and such movie at…” with a remainder about their TOS, claiming repeated abuse would lead to termination. Finally I had a call with them and the support representative hinted at my dl content being not only responsible for the technical issues I had but also being illegal. I told them”you’re not happy with my money anymore go ahead and terminate service instead of sending me these empty threats”! Nothing happened but I ended up switching anyway.
Thanks for Bewitched Area of Thousand Years. I really appreciate it.
Hi there,
With all these recent adult updates, I noticed that you’re only missing HERE COMES JOHNNY WADD (1975) from the famous John Holmes series.
Any chance of uploading that one?
Hello, if you mean this one:, it seems to be a collection of loops from archive footage not an original Johnny Wadd movie
Is there some reason why a lot of porn is being posted on the front page?
I’m also not able to get into vintageclassix anymore. Is it gone?
Hello, vintageclassix is fine but since a few days it’s mandatory to have a google account to access the blog (it’s a new google rule, there’s nothing I can do on my side) so that’s why you’ll see more vintage porn here (I’m moving VC posts to MDID)
Will you move all the content that you have on VC to here? Thanks a lot
Hello, yes but it will take some time (I realize that some old rips are obsoletes so it’s more than moving links, I’ll update a lot of them and in the end, VC will be a part of MDID)
Could you please add La venganza de los Punks (1991) aka REVENGE OF THE PUNKS?
Hello, it’s here:
Hey, thanks. I must have been searching for it as Revenge of the Punks. Perfect. Have a great weekend.
hi, this is very hard to find, can u help me…
Alien Terminator 1995 aka Alien Species
Hello, it’s here:
What’s the safest way for nitroflare payment in US?
Undoubtedly that would be crypto, but with the caveat that service fees for use of it + the mining fee will render this the least economical method. (Still, worth it to someone like me who prefers to leave the least possible “tracks”.) Go direct — wallet app to them, avoiding any exchange middleman if you can. But it won’t be truly direct, as few of these cyberhosts do that anymore. So, you’d be going through a reseller. I haven’t liked the repeated crappy service of their “official” choice in resellers. (Lack of response, long delays in getting your key or coupon.) The ones I’ve liked more recently: Premium-Key-Shop or I think the latter is based in Singapore.
Forgot one important detail for the above: there has to be some way for the reseller and for Nitro or whichever host it is to contact you. So, have a pseudonym plus a temporary / throwaway or anon email account. Many email providers offer those sub-accounts as a feature, or alternately I think there are online services for that.
I don’t even see Premium-Key-Shop or as options. All the resellers just seem super shady or want double the cost of what NF is showing. The couple I checked for crypto (and even WeChat) want me to enter my passport info. Not happening. Guess I’ll skip anything from here for a while then.
Agreed that the “markup” on crypto payments these days can get outrageous, but check the daily fluctuations in crypto: a close roller-coaster runner-up to what the stock market has been doing. So I suppose some of that markup may be a hedge against crashing value.
Would have to consult my notes, but I think only a couple of the lesser hosts (like DepositFiles ?) might still accept crypto *directly*, or without unduly jacking up the cost for using it. But — for better or worse — NF seems to still reign as King.
At one time or another, I’ve tried most of the significant cyberhost players, and a trainload of the subscription resellers. I absolutely won’t divulge any (real) personal info to ANY of them. The ones that started to require it got instantly dropped from consideration. But you have to jump through some hoops and pay more, if you want a measure of security via keeping a distance. I had quite bad results with the “official” resellers that Nitro and a couple other majors were using. The ones I mentioned may look shady to you (and maybe MOST of the resellers would also), but they haven’t messed me over yet, which at the moment remains the determining factor.
Some further notes:
FWIW, the Nitro 90-day subscription pkg. is usually “on sale”, netting you an extra 30 days for free. Buying through the resellers that I have used has almost always preserved that bonus.
What I’m seeing at the moment is that NF dropped the resellers that I’d had major problems with — perhaps due to enough user complaints — but they are now featuring “official” resellers that I have no experience with or knowledge of.
The NF site shows 2 via-PayPal options, one currently with an approx. $17. added fee, the other (in Euros) with an added fee of $25. Ain’t no free lunch to be had there, neither. PayPal has historically been unwilling to touch the cyberhosts with a long bargepole, no doubt on account of pressure from Big Content. So, my suspicion is that this “PayPal” payment conduit is via some roundabout mechanism, rather than through PayPal directly. Maybe someone else has experience with that ?
Right below the PayPal options, the site is now showing a ‘CoinPayments’ option, for crypto, with an $11. service fee added. (Subject to change, natch..) Bear in mind that this is a major *crypto exchange* (read pseudo “bank” of crypto), much as the disgracefully folded GTX was. Can’t recall whether *that* was the particular exchange whose entire records got scooped up by IRS &/or FBI — but that prospect certainly looms large, so this is *not* a discreet path to take. Of course, if any fed agency like those wants it bad enough, there is no phantom trail of breadcrumbs they cannot follow. Privacy is a matter of degree, but there is something to be said for being a more obscure needle in a haystack.
Well I don’t know about “being a more obscure needle in a haystack” if you’re simply downloading stuff. Personally, staying in Western Europe, I’m not concerned at all as I’m not aware of recent convictions against dl’ers but I can understand when US citizens are a bit more concerned. Afaik even hosting sites do not have to fear the law as long as they operate under DMCA and actually follow the rules. Rapidshare located in Switzerland was the biggest hoster by far and did not get in trouble but ev. yielded to pressure (probably because it was simply to dominate) and after a either deliberate or sheepish move trying to become a legit cloud service shut down. UL then took over and ev. went the same way. It seems they were so afraid not to respond to DMCA related letters from lawyers that service became so poor that they ev. were dropped from major sites and lost customers. The only big one since Mega I can remember who was shut down by the Feds was It was the biggest site for German content for many years and the Feds seized domain, raided properties in 3 European countries, arrested leading members and seized cash. I read they made over 50 m. bucks according to the prosecution. I think they ignored many requests to take files down, esp. files already once uploaded before. Plus they had their own service to encrypt links. NF is certainly much bigger but is still operating as of today. I downloaded lots of stuff over from SO as a nonstop premium member for at least 5 yrs, since they seized the site in 2019 the feds have the logs with my IP (no VPN nothing) but nothing happened. So I’m very confident that simply as a dl user you have no worries certainly in Europe but also in the US. As for uploading stuff I guess you only have to start worrying when you’re uploading regularly as a single person and of course depends if it’s games &software or music from decades ago. Now when you’re part of a serious warez group it’s a totally different game. As a US citizen I’d be seriously concerned to take part there. I remember an article where the FBI arrested members of a group locally, the leaders lived in Cyprus and Isle of Man.
Could you please add Drum (1976) and Cinderella (1977). Both with amazing Cheryl Lynn Smith.
Hello, Drum is here:
Cinderella soon
Thank you !
hi, i cant find nowhere…
Legend of the Mummy 1998
Hello, it’s here:
Hey there! Any chance you can add a rip of the Director’s Cut for SPLIT (1989)?
Any chance of uploading? Shin Killer Crocodile: Akai kiba (1993, Japan) directed by Akira Yoneda
Sadly nope, can’t find it anywhere
When I click on a link, all I get is a page saying:
This page isn’t working.
For example:
Hello, it could be your ISP or country blocking nitroflare links?
You mean a 404 error? What does it say exactely?
Thank you for Coolie Killer
Thanks for Alone against terror
Can you please upload Remains of a Woman (1993) director is Clarence Fok
Sadly no subs available
Nitrofare wont display on my pc any ideas?
Could be your ISP or your country (like UK) blocking Nitroflare
Thanks for adding Fatal Passion. Very much appreciated.
Hi NLZ, i’m looking for a good copy of the documentary ‘Demon Lover Diary’. the copies i’ve come across are all very low quality. It played on Australian TV some years back and it was very good print. hoping someone out there recorded it. thanx
Yes sadly the dvd is awful. Can’t find any tvrip (there’s also a bluray, maybe someone will put it online one day)
Bluray? does it include the Demon Lover Diary documentary? didn’t even know there was a dvd release of this doco.
Sorry, I thought it was an official release but it seems to be a bootleg and there’s no info about the source they used
Hi NLZ, i’m looking for two movies: 1. italian “UN URLO DALLE TENEBRE” (1975) aka The Exorcist III: Cries and Shadows aka Naked Exorcism. 2. “Inserts” (1974) with Richard Dreyfuss. Thanks.
Hello, Inserts is here:
Thanks :)
Is it possible to get Con el Odio en la Piel (1988) please? It is featured in your Trailer War compilation: Thanks!
Hello, it’s on youtube but I can’t find anything else (and no subs)
Thanks for following up. Yeah, I checked the version on Youtube but it’s suffered 12 minutes of cuts from the original runtime.
I was wondering if you have any means to get Attack of the Giant Moussaka (1999)
It’s up on youtube in terrible quality with French subs, but I’ve seen clips with English subs, so it probably exists somewhere. Thanks!
Hello, sorry I can’t find this one (only a very low quality dvdrip and no subs)
Hi NLZ. Do you have “Tomorrow’s a Killer (1987) aka PrettyKill”?
Also, are you interested in me sharing a few films that you may not have? I just bought Killer Nerd and Bride of Killer Nerd and plan to get a couple other Troma SOV’s called Flesh Eaters from Outer Space and Invasion for Flesh and Blood. I just have to figure out how to rip my DVD’s first and what software to use.
Wow sorry, totally forgot to leave a reply… so, about Prettykill, sorry can’t find it. About Killer Nerds and the others, yes with pleasure. The easiest way to do this is with handbrake or you can turn your bds and dvds in mkv files in seconds with makemkv (and I will take care of the rest). Cheers.
I’ve been trying to upload the Killer Nerd movies for days with no success. Nitroflare customer service is clueless and offers no solution. All I get is “Error: Request Entity Too Large. Your client issued a request that was too large.” whenever I try to upload mkv files of any size. (well under 10GB). Sorry, but I tried to share them.
Don’t worry, no problem, I’m sure they will appear somewhere sometime.
Here are the two films in Google Drive folders! Feel free to delete this entire string of messages after you download these so it isn’t cluttering up your comments!
So you found a way, cool :) I’ll rip both mkv to make smaller files and share them soon. Thank you!
Hi can you get the movie Desiring Julia
Sadly no subs or English dub
Looking for this movie since ages… Any help?
Sorry I can’t find it anywhere
Any chance of a nice 1080p posting of Brainsmasher: A Love Story? I found a copy at 720p but man Teri looks so much better in HD.
Hello, I’m trying to get a good 1080p rip, it might take some time (most sources are dead)
Thank you! I saw a bluray of it on Amazon but they wanted like 50US for it. Hopefully one of us will get lucky and someone will reup the 1080p version. I’ll let you know if I find a good copy.
Thanks for the quick turn around. Can you post Tentazione,
Sadly no English subs
Wanted to say sorry if I’ve ever made two re-up requests. I missed the sidebar. Thanks for what you post.
Hey NLZ. I have a couple more Troma films to share! The first is “Actium Maximus: War of the Alien Dinosaurs (2005)” & the other is “Star Worms II: Attack of the Pleasure Pods (1985)”. Both are unmodified DVD rips using MakeMKV. I plan to get some more Troma films to rip in the future if you’re interested.
Great! Thank you
Just wanted to renew NF premium for 180 days and saw that they once again (why do they keep doing this???) changed the options. Now they offer via Dexipay & Gopay, the rest are all resellers with even more hefty fees.
I tried both Debit Card payment and GooglePay under Dexipay and it refused payment (“Payment failed!”). Gopay seems to offer options to wire the money, a bunch of Slovakian banks are listed and when I chose another bank it showed me a Slovakian Iban. Once I wire they money they’ll mail me the confirmation. Could take 2 days but I didn’t try it anyway.
Anybody experiences the same problems recently?
You don’t get Stripe or Paypal options? (I have them when I click Renew Premium but I guess it depends on the location). You could try to contact Dexipay or Gopay (on their site they talk about direct cc payment) or even Nitro, they might be able to help.
No Stripe and the only Paypal is from a Reseller with an extra $28 reseller fee! Last time I could use Paypal directly was in 2021 but NF changes payment options every year it seems.
I looked quickly at Dexi & GoPay and saw the one is in Cyprus and the latter a Czech company, both look amateurish imo but I guess NF is running out of options in finding a steady reliable payment processor. Anyway I did contact Nitro and will wait but doubt they offer much of substance. If their support is clueless I’ll probably try the wire option trough Gopay but this could take 2 days. I saw that on their website they list the cards they accept but trough NF/GoPay it seems only bank wire is possible.
Hello. I have been trying to find the movie “American Snitch” (1983) forever with no luck. It has Fred McCarren in it (The Boogens). The only place I see it available is on MGM+. I wanted to request this in hopes that you could post it. Thank you.
you ok NLZ? site’s been acting fuckey for a few days, with error messages when I click titles and sometimes when I click nitroflare links. only for a few hours at a time. seems to run fine most the time still. hope all is well and thanks for all your work!
Yeah everything is ok don’t worry. There was a huge server issue yesterday but it’s fixed.
The site was down friday evening for an hour then later from midnight to saturday morning.
I just checked the server stats and couldn’t find any other issue. Please tell me if you get any error message.
Anyway I have backups so even if the server dies I’ll be able to restore the site.
Btw, how about an email addy or something else to contact you in case the site vanishes one day?
It’d be a good idea but I really don’t know what to use.
Maybe an IRC channel like Cinemageddon used (not saying it’s anonymous) or sites like (No email or log in necessary, nada) or a telegram channel. So you could post a link here and your loyal visitors could go there in case the dead duck is down a certain time to look for potential info (or not).
Thanks Henry, I’ll look into it!
good news! thanks for the update.
also wanted to let you know that while I don’t comment a whole lot here, I have downloaded over 3 tb from here over the last year and your service is greatly appreciated. long live mdid!
Or maybe The Possession of Virginia aka Le diable est parmi nous (1972)
Sometimes saying thank you for your uploads seems like so little, but always thank you NLZ for everything. No complaints about reseller fees from me. The value is beyond the asking price. Long Live You and This Dead Duck.
Thank you :)
It’s always the other way around, NLZ. You always leave all of us here at a loss for words. Hey, I try but fail to express my personal gratitude. Simply put, 5 (or less) direct buys on my part wouldn’t equal the value you give here (you know this) yet you always treat us with kindness. Mille grazie & Muchas gracias, beauty. We all do appreciate and love you.
I’d like to cihp in my thanks as well
Anyone else find that Nitroflare is a lot slower than usual for downloading? I use it at 2 sites and it is noticeably slower on both. Always works so no complaints just wondering if anyone else has found this.
I just checked with one file and it was slower than usual. Pretty sure they will fix it asap but don’t hesitate to contact them.
I did not notice any difference but I have a very fast connection anyways. Dl’s via NF are usually about 25% slower than what I get when doing a speedtest (direct dl) on the servers of my provider. Still even with that difference I don’t have time to take a piss until a 3 GB file is downloaded.
Any chance you could up Sodoma’s Ghost (1988), the Fulci movie?
Hi NZL do you by chance have the move Escape from Mars (TV Movie 1999)
how about Hungry Snake Woman and/or Special Silencers?
and I Want to Get Even…
Hi admin can u reupload
Hi admin can you reupload thanks
hi admin can u reupload
Is there any way you could up the first GINGDERDEAD MAN and/or its 1st two sequels:
Hi. I’m hoping you’ll be able to up the film, Night Ripper/il Mostro di Firenze.
Hi, it’s here:
I apologize for the oversight. I thought my search was more thorough than it actually was. Thanks so much.
No problem!
Any chance of THE GOOD SON (1993) ? It’s a really underrated horror-thriller; can’t seem to find it anywhere else! :)
Any chance you could up Lucky McKee’s RED? More of a thriller/drama, but having trouble finding it.
Any chance you could find/up John Avildsen’s JOE (1970)?
TY for all you do
Could you potentially up the last Peter Cushing Sherlock Holmes movie THE MASKS OF DEATH? Thanks for taking my request.
Another request, because I realized I don’t have it: THE FORGOTTEN ONES 1989 starring Terry O’Quinn:
Hi admin do you have this movie Sanctuary (1998)
Looking for this George Pavlou movie featuring Stella Stevens & Russ Tamblyn. LITTLE DEVILS: THE BIRTH. Figured if anyone could track it down it’d be you:
Could you up The Glass Ceiling, 1971
admin, can you post this film?
gefahrlicher sex fruhreifer madchen 2 1972 ?
thanks in advance…