Hands Up! (1981)
aka Rece do góry

Genre: Drama | Experimental | Surreal
Country: Poland | Director: Jerzy Skolimowski
Language: Polish | Subtitles: English (Optional, embedded in Mkv file)
Aspect ratio: Widescreen 1.66:1 | Length: 80mn
Bdrip H264 Mkv – 1796×1080 – 23.976fps – 3.00gb

Censored by the Polish authorities, this movie was re-edited and new footage added. It begins with a science fiction motif: abstract images and electronic music take the viewer from ruins of Lebanon to the set of Voelker Schloendorf “The Forgery”, where Skolimowski plays a lead role. Another shift takes us to London, where Skolimowski shoots a street scene. There are also shifts into the past with the old footage, featuring a score of Polish actors and actresses in a setting resembling Kantor’s experimental theatre.


Hands Up! (1981)