Journal of Love (1971)
Genre: “Documentary” | Drama | Softcore
Country: USA | Director: Anthony Spinelli
Language: English | Subtitles: None
Aspect ratio: 1.33:1 | Length: 72mn
Dvdrip H264 Mkv – 762×576 – 29.970fps – 1.16gb

“You are about to see a dramatized documentary comment on the success and failure of marriage. The producers offer no positive solution, only a suggestion of what may help reduce the staggering number of divorces in this country.”

As a doctor from “The Marriage Institute” drones on about “Proposition Eight: four people living together to make one family,” two married couples, whose relationships are kaput, become guinea pigs in an experiment “that could revolutionize marriage.”

Jack (RIC LUTZE), “a systems analyst who likes football and French restaurants”, is a womanizer married to sexually frustrated, Cora. Dave (Keith Erickson), a balding bozo who sells cars and “likes good steakhouses” arrives with Lorna (RENE BOND). They all get together for a weekend retreat.

Jack immediately puts the moves on Lorna. “You’re a beautiful girl. And you’re not a bitch,” he coos. (So much for small talk.) They hungrily paw each other on a round bed with mirrored walls. He removes her boots and sucks her toes as classical music swells on the soundtrack. He peels off her clothes like a happy toddler unwrapping a toy on Christmas day. Lorna teaches Jack how to perform oral sex. (He looks terrified!) But he learns fast and she orgasms loudly. Later, thanks to great sex, Jack has had a spiritual awakening. He starts to cry, blubbering like a baby.

Dave, who looks like Barney Fife, tries to win Cora over by telling shitty jokes. He calls his wife a “cunt” and Cora says, “I feel a certain gentleness about you.” (!!!) She’s not too hip on infidelity but Dave jumps on her hairy triangle anyway. He shoots his wad and she screams, “Hey, Quickdraw, you left me high and dry!”

Next day, Cora admits to Lorna, “Your husband’s a lousy lay. I think I’ve had it with men. I’m confused.” She wants to leave the love nest but Lorna’s wet tongue works its magic. “Finally!” Cora sobs. The guys walk in and aren’t too thrilled. “I’m married to a fucking lesbian!” Dave shouts.

Everyone calms down and explores each other’s private parts in a celebration of wife-swapping.


Journal of Love (1971)