The Hearse (1980)
Genre: Drama | Horror | Thriller
Country: USA | Director: George Bowers
Language: English | Subtitles: English (Optional, embedded in Mkv file)
Aspect ratio: Widescreen 1.85:1 | Length: 99mn
Bdrip H264 Mkv – 1920×1036 – 23.976fps – 3.71gb

Jane Hardy decides to stay the summer in the house her aunt left her when she died, to try and recoup from a bad divorce. Little does she know, her aunt practiced witchcraft and is still thought of very badly by the town’s citizens. As soon as she moves in, she is haunted by a old black hearse and it’s creepy driver. Is she going insane or is she truly being menaced? She meets a friendly young man and becomes involved with him, but is he and the creepy driver one and the same?

This movie is wonderfully creepy without being camp, and has some scenes that are particularly unexpected and unnerving. More suspense horror than gore, it’s guaranteed to keep you awake at night. The love story between Jane and Tom will keep sentimental people glued, and the terror gets all the rest. The piano-oriented title music is haunting, and suits the seriousness of the film well. This movie clearly had a low budget, yet it still ranks as a first-class movie. All in all, something worth watching.


The Hearse (1980)