Mari-Cookie and the Killer Tarantula (1998)
Genre: Comedy | Horror | Erotic
Country: USA | Director: Jess Franco
Language: English | Subtitles: None
Aspect ratio: Widescreen 1.66:1 | Length: 84mn
Dvdrip H264 Mkv – 1024×642 – 29.970fps – 1.76gb

Audio 1: English European Version

Audio 2: English American Version

Audio 3: Isolated Score

Down at the docks a very enterprising but dangerous element is making life miserable for Sheriff Marga. But she is distracted at the moment by a series of puzzling kidnappings that is plaguing her parish. Could the culprit be the mysterious Queen – the dancehall queen of the docks? Or could it be an even more sinister figure: The Killer Tarantula? Sheriff Marga is in a race against the evildoer as shetries to interview the many suspects before they too disappear.

Note: The European version is the original dub, the American version redubs some of the supporting roles (for instance, director Jess Franco himself originally dubbed the role of Mari Cookie’s mother-in-law).


Mari-Cookie and the Killer Tarantula (1998)