Tender Loving Care (1973)
Genre: Drama | Thriller | Erotic
Country: USA | Director: Don Edmonds
Language: English | Subtitles: None
Aspect ratio: 1.33:1 | Length: 70mn
Dvdrip H264 Mkv – 696×533 – 23.976fps – 983mb

Karen is new in town. She’s a nurse and just starting at the hospital where she meets and rooms with two other nurses. Between the three of them one will get involved with a doctor she has the hots for even though he is married to his profession, one will have to deal with a boxer whose medical condition will end his fighting career, and one will be dragged into her boyfriend’s drug addiction with a by-product of extortion and murder. They will also encounter gangster, philandering guys who want to hook them up with other women, and tragedy.


Tender Loving Care (1973)