The Other Side of Underneath (1972)
Genre: Drama | Horror | Experimental | Surreal
Country: UK | Director: Jane Arden
Language: English | Subtitles: English (Optional, embedded in Mkv file)
Aspect ratio: 1.33:1 | Length: 110mn
Bdrip H264 Mkv – 960×720 – 23.976fps – 4.37gb

Adapting her play “A New Communion for Freaks, Prophets and Witches”, playwright/actress Jane Arden assembles her all-female Holocaust theatre troupe for a violent descent into the mind of a young woman labelled schizophrenic. Composed of different episodes brimming with psychoanalytic symbols and raw, shocking, heartbreaking footage, each segment becomes the metaphorical backdrop for the creator’s reflections on self-exploration, repressed guilt, sexual deprivation, freedom of expression, emotional breakdown and the “other side” underneath.


The Other Side of Underneath (1972)